How to Have Feet Always on Top?

How to Have Feet Always on Top?

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If you don’t have top-of-the-line feet, I’m sure you will never expose your feet very easily. So how do you get red carpet feet? Read this article and we will provide you 5 golden rules for a flawless pedicure even at home. Let’s begin!


The first thing to do is undoubtedly remove the enamel residues with pedicure spa kits, especially if the last pedicure dates back to last summer. After using acetone, it is a good rule to always wash your feet with water and neutral soap to prevent solvent residues from yellowing your nails.


It may seem trivial but it all starts with the foot bath, the first step in taking care of your feet is very simple, you just need to immerse your feet for at least ten minutes in warm water with flowers and essential oils. Also very useful is the foot bath with water and bicarbonate with marked refreshing and smoothing properties, very effective for softening feet with corns and calluses.


 The next step is precisely that of the scrub or gommage which allows a complete exfoliation, in practice it eliminates all the “dead cells” making the skin immediately softer. There are many pedicure supplies available and it is also possible to do it yourself, how? simple just mix brown sugar and coconut oil. After the scrub, the feet should be rinsed with warm water and dried. If calluses and calluses still persist, you can also resort to the use of pumice stone or a rasp but do not overdo it because you could remove too much tissue.


The next step namely hydration, which is probably the essential step for having fantastic feet and above all soft to the touch. The moisturizer should be applied every day, preferably in the evening, with a thorough massage to promote absorption. The massage is also very useful to reactivate the circulation, regain the flexibility of the fingers and relax after a day of work.


First of all, it is good to consider that the toenails must always be kept short, cutting them to the edge of the fingertips and rounding the corners, which helps us prevent the very painful ingrown toenails. In addition, never apply the colored nail polish in direct contact with the nail because the pigments could affect the nail surface altering the natural color of the nail. So it is always necessary to apply a transparent or nude-colored base. When the base is perfectly dry we can do the second coat of the color we prefer.

Also for the toenails, as for those of the hands, the French pedicure that became popular. At the beginning of the millennium returns to the fore, it is certainly very practical both because it goes well with everything and allows to “mask” the unsightly regrowth.

Read also:Keep your nails away from diseases



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